Jul 19, 2011

Summer Update

Hi everyone! Just a quick note to say hi.. I'm back. Back from our annual trek to Cortes Island and back from my self imposed blog hiatus over the last 10 days or so-- my last few posts were 'scheduled', so I really HAVE been away from blogging for a while.

 I could write more except I'm super busy today with getting ready for my sisters to come over for a couple of days. Not even a day to get things cleaned up around here and food in the fridge! Oh well, I'm not going to complain about that. What needs to get done will be done in due time and if not.. well, I can just CHILL about it.

Am looking forward to catching up with your blogs and your lives.Sometime. 

What did I have to greet me when I got home (besides youngest son who kept my indoor plants alive (yay!) and a lonely cat)? ... a message from the Sheriff's department telling me that they decided I HAVE to come in for jury selection on August 2nd!! I was miffed, to say the least. After that  superb letter I sent to them outlining why I should be excused... I am NOT a happy camper. I am trying to take a deep breath and 'go with the flow', knowing ultimately that God will decide whether I'm to sit on the jury or not. 

I'm still angry about it, though. If I have to miss my parents' anniversary... well, don't get me started!! 

Let go...let go... 

Anyway, we had a great holiday, despite it being the wettest one ever!! 


  1. I was away for the last two weeks at Savary Island, which is very close to Cortes - I think. AND I also came home to a notice that I have to attend jury selection on August 2. So - see you there?
    Too weird.
    Happy summer!
    New books coming to the library soon. And I lost the list you gave me of books that you had your eye on, so if there are any you want, remind me in the next few months for the next order.

  2. Do you know...a few years back, I got to dreading being called for jury duty, and made myself miserable about it. Well, I was eventually called and I really enjoyed it. Looked at it as fodder for a story (which it never got to be!), but it was pretty neat. Hope you find it the same.

    But still, it can be annoying to be interrupted when you're busy otherwise. I do understand that.

  3. @Danica -- too funny! I guess that's the silver lining..you and me on the same jury! We shall see... hope you had a great holiday!

    @Melissa - you're right..it would make for some good blog material. But I would rather be at my parents' anniversary/family reunion that sitting on a jury. Hopefully they let me off. I guess I won't know till August 2nd at the earliest.

  4. Give me the Sherrif'f's name and I'll tell him a few stories that will get you off for sure sister! :-)

  5. Welcome home! I am glad you managed to have a good holiday in spite of the rain. And they couldn't really make you do jury duty when you have an important family event could they? Have you looked up the rules?

  6. I've been here, there and everywhere and am finally getting around to catching up on everyone's blogs.

    Sorry to hear that you still have to go to jury duty. That sucks.


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