Jul 11, 2011


I am drawn to this poem, because it describes so well the regrets we probably all have in our lives at some point. And I wonder what or where is this Land of Beginning Again? Is it some attainable place in this life or is this describing some of what heaven will be like?  Or is it reachable simply by asking for forgiveness of those we have hurt?  Forgiveness doesn’t make all things better, of course, but it can ‘erase’ the past in some way. Or is this a cry of someone who is looking for God’s love and forgiveness?

And what is it that we are really after in this place? I would think it was peace, most of all. Inner and outer peace.

The Land of Beginning Again

By Louisa Fletcher

I wish that there were some wonderful place

Called the Land of Beginning Again,

Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches 

And all of our poor selfish grief

Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door

And never be put on again.

I wish we could come on it all unaware,

Like the hunter who finds a lost trail;

And I wish that the one whom our blindness had done 

The greatest injustice of all

Could be at the gates like an old friend that waits 

For the comrade he's gladdest to hail.

We would find all the things we intended to do 

But forgot, and remembered too late,

Little praises unspoken, little promises broken

And all of the thousand and one

Little duties neglected that might have perfected 

The day for one less fortunate.

It wouldn't be possible not to be kind

In the Land of Beginning Again; 

And the ones we misjudged and the ones whom we grudged

Their moments of victory here

Would find in the grasp of our loving handclasp 

More than penitent lips could explain.

For what had been hardest we'd know had been best, 

And what had seemed loss would be gain;

For there isn't a sting that will not take wing

When we've faced it and laughed it away;

And I think that the laughter is most what we're after

In the Land of Beginning Again. 

peace pic

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love Monday's 'cause I try to "begin again". But of course, that's just with my own behavior. What has gone on before - harsh words, actions not taken, etc. can't be erased. That's all the result of sin in the world and it will never change in this earthly life. Thank God for heaven.

  3. Sorry about the removal. In Jesus, his "mercies are new every morning". This is my comfort ... we all need the slate wiped clean every once in a while. PTL.


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