In order to keep on the 'sunny side', here's a list of things I'm grateful for in my life. Want to join in?
- attending the Michael W. Smith and downhere concert -- awesome!
- sunshine in the morning
- anticipating a growing garden
- friends to share with
- Light that the darkness cannot overcome
- a morning walk
- a good cup of coffee
- a sister-to-sister phone call
- hope
- watching a Spring rainstorm from my kitchen window
- sitting on a picnic blanket at the park on a sunny Spring afternoon
- watching my boys play ball hockey
- watching my boys' ball hockey team win
- sprouted seeds
- the fragrance of the lilac bush
- fresh cut flowers
- being second
- friends at church
- the internet and all the helpful info I've gleaned on it
- Avon's Planet Spa moisturizing massage lotion - heavenly fragrance!
- WOW Bible Study with Debbie T.
- my car that is fun to drive and reliable, too!
- Tiramisu cake baked by my daughter...oh my goodness!
- Camping at Herald Park
- Sharing a good morning cup of coffee around a picnic table
- sitting around a campfire in the late evening and sharing heart to heart
- missing family, which means I love them!
- practical Sunday morning messages
- laughing with my children
- sleeping in my own bed after 3 nights in a tent!
- apple rhubarb cake with caramel butter topping...oh my!
- reading great books
- being away from home for a few days and admiring how the garden has grown
- rain that grows the garden
- a tarp that keeps me dry when camping
- good friends who love to camp as much as I do
- the smell of fresh baking
- more books than I could ever read
- Katie, my soon to be daughter-in-law!
- working with a great team of people
- knowing that God is in control of everything
- new music
- nephews and nieces
- my brothers and their wives
- my sisters and their husbands
- new babies
- adopted relatives
- young love and marriage
- good food...a whole buffet's worth!
- clothes that feel good
- good dance music
- laughter with family
- old friends from wayyyy back
- barbeques
- walks with friends
- gelato ice cream!
- a listening ear
- caring friends and family
- green
- big trees
- a productive day
- the ocean waves
- the ocean sand
- the Oregon Coast
- icecream cones of various flavours
- fun time with family
- spending time with my sister
- getting good deals at Value Village
- reading a great book
- enjoying the heat of summer
- wool socks in a sleeping bag while camping in the cool air
- stroganoff from a box - great camp food!
- a good cup of coffee
- back in my own bed after a week of camping
- meeting fellow Jesus followers while camping
- a cup of water in Jesus' name
- tanned legs
- happy children
- medical help when needed
- cleaning up files
- safety on the road
- unconditional acceptance and love
- the mystery of marriage
- the sound of the ocean waves lapping on the beach
- clear blue skies
- safety in the midst of summer wildfires
- the sounds of sea birds
- our medical system, however flawed it is
- my mother in law Cathie
- the Coulter family (the one I married into)
- more books than I could ever read
- knitting yarn
- plenty of good food
- a clear pool
- God loves me unconditionally
- sunshine and clear skies
- mellow music
- piano
- cranberry seed muffins
- exercise dvd's
- going out for DQ treats with my daughter and d-i-l to be!
- checking off my to-do lists
- feeling better than the day before
- whistling
- hope
- huevo rancheros prepared by Jill and a leisurely brunch on the deck
- fresh tomatoes from the garden!
- a happily married son
- a wonderful new daughter in law!
- perfect wedding weather
- a Starbucks coffee date with a girlfriend
- shelter from the icy blast outside!
- a cozy fire in the wood stove downstairs
- watching Buddy cozied up on the couch by the wood stove
- finishing off a portfolio
- my warm down MEC jacket the kids bought me for Christmas last year
- knitted scarves
- fingerless mitts with gloves inside!
- relinquishment
- forgiveness
- a new day
- hope
- prayers from friends
- wool socks
- simple knitting projects
- finishing books
- anticipating new books for the church library
- quiet
- music
- new music
- church friends
- miraculous missionary stories
- walks with my husband
- friends who are great listeners
- book study group
- knitting
- watching a movie on my laptop while I'm knitting
- wrapped up in a warm blanket
- God's grace in unexpected places
- comforting words from the Bible
- new babies
- old friends
- a godly mom
- loving siblings
- a great holiday with family
- kids I love to be around
- possibilities
- reading blogs
- a job
- a new day
- listening to the group Downhere
- that Jill doesn't have appendicitis
- that God will be with the kids as they travel snowy roads to the coast
- that God is loving and kind, no matter what
- a healthy body
- forgiveness
- soft yarn
- supper in the oven
- fresh babies
- interesting interviews
- sunshine in the morning
- relaxing music
- peaceful house
- medicine
- laughter
- water bottles
- house plants
- clean floors
- clean windows
- hand knit socks
- new pillows
- warm comforters
- the color blue
- Valentine's Day with my husband
- good books
- coffee with girlfriends
- discovering good books (oh, I just wrote that!)
- a Kindle!
- a new wafflemaker!
- a new throw!
- watching my boys play ball hockey together
- spending time with my daughter
- spending time with my daughter in law
- trying new foods
- staying warm during a cold Spring
- planting flowers
- weeding strawberry beds
- growing rhubarb
- watching the cat play
- looking forward to visiting friends
- watching the Canucks win a hockey game
- lilacs in bloom
- sharing a cup of coffee with my son
- a hard working husband
- Pippa the dog
- Buddy my cat
- Lunar rhubarb cake
- lazy long weekend days
- a stocked fridge
- reading good books
- a daughter excited for her European adventure
- jobs for all my children
- anticipating summer
- spending time with my kids
- planting flowers
- seeding the garden, anticipating growth
- good church services
- a mild winter
- happy Christmas family times
- new books
- knitting
- baroque music
- new Ikea chairs
- laughter
- good tenants
- forgiveness
- hope
- quiet days
- medical help
- family
- mercies new every morning
- the faithfulness of God
- chocolate
- shortbread
- banana bread (got food on the brain!)