Jul 22, 2011

Only Twice

While we were away, it only rained twice. Once for three days, and once for four! I guess that’s the story of our summer this year. Wet and cool!

At the summer home once again… so quiet and relaxing!

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view from the deck
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looking down the driveway into the meadow
I had plans to get a lot done while I was away at the Island home on Cortes. Now, if the sun had been shining the entire time, many of these plans would have lain dormant the entire time. But, with one day after another of grey skies and rainy days, I actually was successful in meeting some of my goals.
I decided NOT to take my laptop because I know I would have defaulted to spending too much time on it. I did, however, keep up on my personal (not work) email through using Dave’s iPhone. I vowed not to blog or read blogs. Okay, I read a few… but actually I did quite well. It’s so easy to spend time on the ‘net, it’s not even funny!
We spent a couple of days alone. Then Dave’s mom arrived and we had a good time visiting with her. Several days later, Dave’s sister and her husband joined us. So, it was a pretty good mix of alone time and socializing.
But, after almost 10 days on Cortes, I did go a little stir crazy. Just. needed. to. have. my. own. space, after a while! Or maybe the hippy life just isn’t for me. It’s so LAID BACK there, and even though I don’t need much excitement in my life, sometimes I need some excitement in my life!!
A sampling of a Cortes holiday…
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*mowed several acres of meadow/lawn
*helped Dave fill several truck loads of chopped wood from deep in the woods 
*finished 3 books (love that Kindle!)
*finished off some homework related to teaching
*worked on my memoirs :)
*spent a few hours at the lake, attempting to catch some rays, on two separate days (between rain showers).
*visited daughter Jill, the summer cook at Homewood’s Woodsman Camp. Bummed a ride from someone on the ferry and hitchhiked part of the way. Only on Quadra Island would I do that!! 
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After hiking into Woodsman and spending several hours with Jill  and her co-worker Jill, our Jill took us safely back across the lake in the new-to-camp pontoon cargo boat, dropped us off, and went back to her tent camp in the woods. Such a capable girl!
*attended Cortes Day and enjoyed watching the annual Nail, Sail, and Bail contest.
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*shopped at the infamous Free Store; found a cool mug, and 3 T shirts. What a haul!!
*attended the Manson’s Farmer’s Market. Bought some organic teas and organic body butter. Like to support the locals in their endeavours. ;)
*took an evening stroll through the walking trails near the property
*hiked to Manson’s Lagoon
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*played Mexican Train several evenings like it was going out of style! (fun game!)
*went out for a delightful dinner and sat on the oceanside deck (no rain!!) at the Cove Restaurant. Yum.
This, I believe, was our wettest Cortes holiday on record. I’m putting in my order EARLY for a hot summer holiday next year!!


  1. Sounds like a relaxing time away Aneta.

  2. It sounds so idyllic. What a perfect time away. Well, other than the weather.


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