Jul 23, 2011

Knit Twit

Forgot to mention that I also spent a fair bit of time knitting while on holidays, which I thoroughly enjoyed. So much so, that I moseyed down to the local Manson's Landing book store (only a 10 minute walk away) to check out their knitting section. Yes, a book store and yarn store in one! How nice is that?! I chose a skein of sock yarn that will knit up nice and thick and cozy for the Fall.

  I also worked on a scarf I'm knitting for my mom. When she was here in June, we picked out the yarn and pattern together, so I'm pretty sure she will be happy with the end product!

It was so cool at times this holiday, that as I finished up a sock I had brought along, I mused that it was too bad I didn't bring along the second sock, because I could have worn them that week!

When I arrived home, I searched through my knitting basket, but that finished sock was nowhere to be found! Could it be that I hadn't knit it yet? Unfortunately, I came to that conclusion when I realized I had a half a skein of sock yarn left. Silly me! I feel *SSS coming on...not a good thing!!

*Second Sock Syndrome - whereby  knitter procrastinates completing the second sock of a set, due to a myriad of excuses reasons, such as exhaustion from finally completing the first sock, boredom with the pattern, not ready to tackle the pattern yet again, attention deficit disorder of the knitting variety, and more.


  1. Oh no! It would definitely be discouraging to think you were knitting the second sock only to discover you were only on the first. I think it can make a case of SSS way worse than normal.

  2. Very pretty sock... a work of art! Who decided that socks need to match anyway? :)

  3. Oh my. I hope you're cured of your SSS quickly, because that sock is much too pretty to be alone all its life.


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