Jul 4, 2011

I've been summoned!

I received a juror summons (criminal) in the mail today, and I am less than thrilled.

The last time I sat on a jury was about 10 years ago and I remember it being a very  stressful time. It lasted over a month and was criminal in nature. Although I found being part of  the jury fascinating, I remember crying from emotional exhaustion after it was over.

This trial begins August  2nd and that's just not going to work for me.
We are celebrating my parents' 55th wedding anniversary August 12 in Edmonton, and there's no way I want to miss that. My mom hasn't been the healthiest lately and who knows if there will be a 60th? I'm hoping so, but you never know. My parents are in their 70's and every visit at this point is not one I take for granted.

As well, it is expected that I'll be attending our August Staff Training Convention for the online school I work for. And after that, summer holidays is officially over for me, with prep time in full tilt. And there's no one else to take my place for that part of my work.

I hope I'll be exempted from being considered as part of the jury, based on those reasons.

Or I just might have to enter the jury selection room shouting, "He's guilty!!!" at the top of my lungs. That would clinch it for me, don't you think?


  1. Oh no! Do you know what kind of trial it is? I have never been summoned so I have no idea what the process is like. I wonder if they let you knit while you sit in the jury box. If they didn't I would go crazy. :-)

  2. @Kristie I don't know the specifics of the trial yet. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't allow knitting.. they'd probably confiscate your needles, too, thinking they might be weapons!

  3. I was summoned once but thankfully the case was dismissed before I had to go down to the courthouse.

  4. I am jealous! I have always wanted to be on a jury. But you are right about the timing not working.

  5. I've never been summoned and yet others I know have been more than once. Makes you wonder how the process goes. I hope you can get out of it.


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