Jul 5, 2011

Loathing Magpies

I loathe magpies... two in particular. The ones that frequent our trees. They have no couth whatsoever, and they are constantly taunting Buddy the Cat when he escapes the confines of our house. I actually fear for Buddy. Those birds are big enough to carry him away. I'm not really sure Buddy would win if there was an altercation.

 The other day, Buddy was out in the backyard while I was relaxing on the deck. The magpies were screeching away, and I know the louder they get, the closer  they are to Buddy. Suddenly, there was our usually brave cat, racing across the lawn, his belly to the ground. He zipped up the stairs back onto the deck and almost jumped through the screen door. I opened it for him, and he whipped inside, safe at last. These birds are menaces!

I sprayed them with the hose today, but I think I just got them madder.

Time for the pellet gun.  I'm a peaceful person, but I've been pushed beyond normal limits.


  1. That's like me and the crows. Some birds are just menaces!

  2. I'm sorry. I am laughing and I know I shouldn't be. But I can just picture your cat doing his belly charge into your house!

  3. Poor Buddy! Let us know how the story ends ... I can just imagine you hiding on the deck with your loaded pellet gun. Very funny!

  4. The trees around our house are filled with huge crows. Same thing...I fear for our kittens and young chickens.

  5. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!


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