Jul 7, 2011

Babies have it easy.

This is actually a post about bodies. It was originally only going to be a post about hormones, but I’ve combined babies, hormones, and weight gain. Talented me, hey?
Well, babies DO have it easy.
The more weight they gain, the cuter they are. They’re squishy, chubby, healthy and their rolls are oohed and aahed over. Nobody complains if they have to buy a bigger size diaper or onesie or a size up in a perfectly matched outfit for their little Junior. In fact, it’s a point of pride to disclose how many lbs the little one has gained since the last checkup.
Well, flash forward 50 years, and these conversations take a little bitty turn.  Suddenly, it’s about losing weight. Okay, I’m certainly not speaking for ALL half-century aged women; there are those who seem to be slim throughout their lives or who really are not caught up in the ‘I’d feel better if I could just lose a few lbs’ mentality. I’m not one of them, I’ll admit. I WOULD feel better if…. yada yada yada!
In the childbearing years, weight is gained and weight is lost, and (barring other significant health problems)  it’s not difficult if you put your mind to it and work at it a little bit.
BUT, now that I’m in a NEW phase of life, suddenly it’s not that easy anymore. Sure, calories in/calories out works to a certain point, but now the hormone factor kicks in big time.  And the body begins to rebel, in ways you didn’t expect. No matter what they say, women have a harder time losing weight than men.   It’s not fair to compare the two.
So, I’ve been seeing a naturopath for the last while. Firstly because of my blood pressure. Thankfully it has stayed mostly lower since I’ve been taking a concoction of vitamins and herbs. Yay!
But now, since my energy level is just not where I’d like it to be, and my other levels are quite whacked out, we decided it was time to do hormone testing and see where they are at. When I get my results, well, then we’ll hopefully make and see changes.

dreamstimefree baby drool_994848
So, a few weeks ago, it was a long day of working the salivary glands in order to fill 4 tubes of spittle to send off to the hormone testing lab.
Wish I was a baby right about then. Wouldn’t have to chew on paraffin wax to get these glands going.
See, babies DO have it easy!


  1. Cute baby! :) And about weight, energy level, etc., I'm with you. It's hard. Just plain hard.

    Will be interested in what you learn. And about that high BP. Are you taking garlic capsules, by any chance. They've helped me with BP before.

    Take care!

  2. @melissa -- no,not garlic capsules specifically. I do eat a lot of garlic, though. I take this capsule called HTN complex -- includes dandelion, hawthorn, parsley, passionflower, potassium, zinc, mg, calcium ascorbate,
    Vit C- which relaxes heart muscle and gives 'cardiac nutritional support'. There's so much info out there on what to take and how much.. I'm trying to rely on my naturopath for good advice (but I always seem to have questions, anyway!)

  3. I expect an update on the results of your test when you get back.

  4. I recently started taking garlic for my blood pressure. I'm hoping it works so that I don't have to add yet another prescription drug to my growing collection. Sometimes being an aging woman isn't fun at all!

    I've never heard of checking spit for hormone levels. That's very interesting.


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