May 14, 2010

The Square Foot Gardener

I don't really have a green thumb, but I do love to watch things grow. I love indoor plants and outdoor plants. I just don't have the gift of growing the greens. Okay, maybe it has something to do with not watering enough.

Anyway, I do love the feeling of completing the planting of seeds and small plants, and then checking them every day or so to see if some little green shoot has pushed its way up out of the dirt. Anticipation! Hope for the miracle of life from a tiny seed!

This year Jill decided to invest in an official Square Foot Garden, based on the book by the same name. She has done everything right so far, including buying the right soil (weed free), constructing the 4 foot square box and dividing it up into 16 little sections. We bought the plants and seeds on Mother's Day. I just have to show you how it looks right now.

As well, we grabbed several planters and filled them with leftover soil. Jill planted herbs and some veggies and rearranged them quite nicely on the backyard 'patio' (and I use that term loosely). Today I added the lettuce seeds to a couple of them.   So, now we have a total of 3 mini garden areas, including my strawberry and rhubarb patch in the back corner.

I hope it's going to be a productive growing season. When I think about the puny zucchini I grew last year, I truly have to believe there is HOPE and second chances  for every wannabe gardener, including me!


  1. I tried planting veggies in containers last year and it was an epic fail. I'm toying with the idea of not planting anything at all this year since we'll be gone for all of July and the thought of coming home to dead flowers is depressing (that happened one year!)

  2. Looks good! The square foot garden... is it about looks or function? Maybe I should read that book. It's a size I could probaly keep alive for the summer! I bought plants this week too! When things are in bloom they are hard to resist. Good for you to buy seeds!
    Heather :)

  3. Wow! Good for the two of you! You're inspiring me to get out there and get myself dirty.

  4. I will keep you in line this year, mom. We WILL have a harvest!

    The SFG is about getting maximum produce from minimum space and work. I'm excited to see how it turns out!

    Gardening is such a great excuse to get outside when the weather is this beautiful!

  5. Sonya, I understand the disappointment of an epic fail. I'm hoping this year will be different! ;)

    Maureen, hope your inspiration leads to action and a great garden this year!

    Heather, that would work well for you in your backyard, because it takes up so little space. You might want to check out the book All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. He lays everything out really simply (lots of pictures).
    Let me know how it goes! You can also do container gardening (even simpler).

    Jill, I agree!

  6. Hey, the blog is looking sharp. I'm a novice gardener myself. Growing things is so exciting! I love the one foot squares, what a great idea.


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