Feb 6, 2010

Soft Gel Sunshine

I’ve been missing the sun lately. I know it was out a bit today, but I must have blinked. Or else I didn’t look out the window!
Summers in this fair city are the BEST.  The gloomy days of winter, not so much.
For now, this will have to do:
Feb 10 019


  1. Ah yes. I get my sunshine in pill form also.

  2. Yep, we're finally seeing the sun today. After several rainy, cloudy and cold days, this looks pretty good. :) Hope yours shines soon as well.

  3. one day they'll invent computer screens that produce vitamin D, and then you'll be all set :D

  4. Jill, that was pretty funny!! That made me laugh. Sorry Aneta.

  5. I think that is a great idea, I'll get my invetorish husband working on it!


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