Feb 7, 2010

I ain’t gonna lie

I ate the WHOLE thing. Feb 10 025
Let me begin by saying that I have been VERY good lately, watching my sugar intake, upping the vegetables, cutting out breads, and just saying NO to sweet lattes.
But tonight, I blew it.
It’s been one of those days when the flesh is weak. Ever had one of those days?
No one was  home except me (for at least another hour). I remembered the Breyer’s icecream sitting in the freezer compartment. Unopened. Sort of hidden (not like I did that on purpose or anything).
I had to choose between the tiny bowl and the cereal bowl. The big one won out.
One little scoop, or three. Ummm… three.
Chocolate sauce? check.
Scoop of homemade raspberry jam? check.
Whip Cream topping ? Why not? check.
Yes, it tasted very scrumptious.
Will I ever do this again?
You bet.
In the near future?
Hopefully not.


  1. Your face was so guilty when I walked in.

  2. I don't think you have anything to feel bad about. It's not like this is a nightly habit for you.

  3. "They" say to indulge occasionally is sweet to indulge daily is well me..... hahahahha
    Everyone deserves a pleasure filled bowl of dessert from time to time....I think it is a necessity of life...

  4. Confession is good for the soul. Now be good for awhile so that we can go for a latte with whip! =)


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