Jan 31, 2010

I’m Somewhat Challenged

I didn’t actually make any New Year’s Resolutions January 1st, mainly because I really couldn’t think of any ONE major change I wanted to make in my life which I knew I had a good chance of sticking with for 12 months! Which brings me to this post.
After completing the ‘never the same main dish twice’ challenge, I’ve decided that I stand a much better chance of being successful in completing goals if they are presented in short installments…. say about 30 days? I mean, most of us can keep things up for one month, can’t we?  (That is, if we decide we really want to, and it’s not just pressure from outside of ourselves). Besides, after 30 days, I’ll know if my particular challenge is worth continuing. Or, who knows, it may have become a habit by then.  Wouldn’t that be peachy?
So, to keep me somewhat accountable (because we all know without accountability, there’s a much smaller chance of success), each month I will write about my next PMC (that’ s Personal Monthly Challenge) and let you know now and then how it’s going. And if you decide you want to join me for one of them, the more the merrier!!
A week or so ago, ideas were coming at me like tennis balls spitting out of a tennis ball launcher. No worries about ideas, I guess.
Only time will tell if I’m successful in  meeting this challenge.
Nothing ventured—nothing gained, as they say.
My PMC for February:  Journal  for at least 20 minutes every day.


  1. Congratulations on meeting your January challenge! I'm sure you'll knock February's challenge right out of the park.

  2. I love the idea of a PMC. Good work my friend!

  3. That is an awesome idea. Congratulations on January's success, well except for the chili meatball casserole!
    Good luck with Feb's goal. I think this is an awesome idea...just might put my thinking cap on and join you.

  4. I enjoyed watching those meals stack up over on your sidebar. It made me a little more aware of what I was cooking at home too. I faired well in the kitchen in January!
    Good luck with your new PMC. I guess blogging doesn't count as journalling hey? Being public and all. You'll have to share a little as you go along.
    I revististed my daily writing schedule over the weekend since I had such a frustarting week last week. I feel refreshed now and had a good session today.

  5. Karen-do join me! We can be accountability partners!

    Danica - may you have a great writing week!

  6. Well, seeing as I am on the same path already with a photo a day for a month,I may just join you at some point. I'm pretty sure that I will not journal every day for 20 minutes so I will keep my eye open for something I'm up for in the months ahead.

  7. I really like the idea of a monthly challenge. It seems easier to accomplish with a better rate of success, making it more likely for me to attempt it in the first place. I look forward to seeing what challenges you take on and I may even join you some months. (this will not be one of them!)


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