Aug 18, 2011

Back to Reality

Well, just had to let you know that visiting family and friends in Alberta was a much better way to spend time than sitting on a jury!

Mom and Dad absolutely loved the album. It was the perfect gift for them; I'm sure they'll be looking through the photos over and over and over again. That made all the fuss worthwhile, it really did.

Our family barbeque included excellent snacks and supper..oh my!! And it included about 45 relatives ranging from ages 3 months to 78 years! The weather was fantastic and the mosquitoes didn't come out in full force till later in the day when things started cooling off. It was a hot summer day, just perfect for a Bocce Tournament (which seems to have been so much fun that it may become an annual event!).  Other highlights included a Dropje Count -- counting candy in various jars of dutch licorice. It was a hit with all ages, as well. The day couldn't have gone better. Oh, I wish I had pics to show you, but my sis and bro took the photos.

On the Sunday we met up with some old friends, meaning friends-we've-known-for-a-long-time, just to clarify! ;)
We travelled to Kananaskis country and camped in Peter Lougheed Park. I do have a few pics of that for you to enjoy. Words can't describe the beauty of that area. However, it was a tad bit cold in the evening, so I'm glad I took my wool socks, fleece pants, and toque. I was toasty warm in my sleeping bag every night!

Elk on side of highway with the hugest set of antlers ever!! 

Over the past 25 years, we haven't spent more than an hour or two at a time with B and H, so a whole 3 days with them was a treat! We talked so much that my throat was getting sore! And I wasn't even the most talkative of the four of us!

Even though summer seems to be racing towards the finish line, I am thankful for all the activities we fit in visiting with friends and relatives. Makes it so much better.


  1. The summer goes by so fast. Sounds like you have lots of wonderful memories to take you through the school year. The scenery is beautiful!

  2. What breathtaking beauty that surrounded you! I wouldn't mind a little cold weather right now.

    Great way to spend time with family!


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