Aug 20, 2011

Not Your Average Game

If you haven't ever played Bocce, you may want to try it sometime. It's sort of a mix between bowling and curling, I'd say. This fun game is played in various locations from local parks to backyards to bumpy meadows found in some of the Kananaskis Park campsites! It can be played with up to 8 players,  in pairs or singles  for as short or as long a time as you like. Tournament Bocce is another option where many more can play. You agree on the number of points to win or the length of time playing. You can even make up your own silly rules, as long as everyone agrees. Sounds like a pretty accommodating game doesn't it?

 Each player gets two Bocce balls and the goal  is to take turns attempting to hit the small white golf-ball sized ball called a pallino, which has been thrown out into the field. Players get points for hitting or ending up closest to the pallino. Knocking the other balls away is a good strategy!

In the crazy meadow we played at this past week with our camping buddies, there were a lot of slopes and dips. And here was the craziest play of all!

 We had to roll our balls up a slope since the pallino had been tossed over the top of the hill and hidden out of view. Little did we know it had rolled into a hole. Unfortunately, as good as my aim is,  my ball was the one on top and did not touch the white ball nor was it closest to it. No points for moi in this turn. As you can see, it WAS a close game!

Bocce is inexpensive,  takes up little space and takes seconds to learn. Is that a great summer pastime, or what?


  1. Glad you had such a great time with B & H! Great pictures!

  2. We have a set of those balls, but the kids haven't played it outside lately. The younger girls like to roll them down the, they smack the wall something fierce when they hit! :) They're heavy!


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