Aug 22, 2011

Help-less at the Tree of Life

Confused with the title of this blog post? Well, you're probably not as confused as we  were watching The Tree of Life (starring and produced by Brad Pitt!). This was by far the strangest movie I've ever seen, and my movie going friend would agree.

Poster of the movie The HelpPoster of the movie The Tree of Life
We actually wanted to see The Help, but as we had agreed to see that with another friend, we couldn't very well walk into Theatre A in good conscience, could we? Theatre B it was. 

Let me take a few steps back... Saturday was a day I had to spend freely, doing whatever, and girlfriend and I decided on the Farmer's Market in the morning, a quick jaunt to the library, lunch at The Grind (yum) and then Lo!and Behold, there were the matinee offerings beckoning us from across the street. Both, as a rule,  not being totally spontaneous people, we decided to break the mold and go wild watching a movie we had heard absolutely nothing about save the movie advertisement on the outside of the building only minutes earlier (don't judge me, my children who may be reading this!)

Imagine visions of creation, Bible quotes, thoughts about God and grace vs nature, a dysfunctional family in the 50's, a few dinosaurs thrown in, and lots of slow music with clips of what seemed like space science fiction interspersed throughout. (Was that a blastocyst in that scene or a yeast concoction floating around--who knows? And why? ) The first half of the movie, we were both thinking 'should we stay or should we go?'. We were waiting for the movie to take off, it seemed, for about at least 45 minutes to an hour. And then after all was said and done (more than 2.5 hours!), we were still trying to figure out what really happened and what the message of the movie was. In a way, it was truly a work of art. But I'm not that great at getting hidden or deeper meanings. And it was that sort of movie. Beautiful but weird. And somehow I kept waiting for the 'something big' to happen, and it never really did.

Great acting, I have to say, by the children especially. Jessica Chastain, the mom in the movie did nothing more than look very emotional, hug her children, and wander around in beautiful dresses, but she did it so well. She even made hanging out the bedsheets look like an enviable activity. And Brad Pitt,  well, he fit the part perfectly. Sean Penn was the ultimate brooder.

The more I think about this movie, as weird as it was, I think I understand more of it. But I'm not sure.

If you enjoy lengthy, slow, random movies about life that are more art than reality, you really might enjoy this one. Even if it might not be memorable.


  1. Ha ha, maybe you need to see it again.
    I had never heard of it until I went to see the Help with my Mom last week. The Help was very good (the book was great and definitely worth reading if you haven't already). I'm kind of interested in seeing that Tree of Life thing. I like weird stuff. Thanks for the warning, though.

  2. Sounds like a great day. An afternoon with Brad Pitt can't be all bad. :)

  3. @Danica - I thought of you during this movie and thought you would probably like it! I have read The Help earlier this summer and can't wait to watch the movie.

    @Heather - yeah, Brad Pitt is usually eye candy, but in this movie he doesn't look like he usually does. You'll have to see for yourself. ;)

  4. Wow, do I ever feel guilty now that I went to The Help last night with Alexandra and my daughter-in-law Anita.

    The other, hopefully not former, friend

  5. @Kristie - well...I'll give you one chance to redeem yourself! ;) Hope the movie was GREAT and once I see it, we can chat about it!


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