Aug 23, 2011

Blog Hoppy

Do you ever blog hop? Have you ever come across a great site that you feel is really worth sharing with your friends? Well, a few weeks ago, I came across this one.  You will probably never find me writing about sexual intimacy on this blog, except in very general terms. Sexual Intimacy In Marriage, though, goes where many of us fear to tread. At least fear to talk about. Or just plain don’t want to on our blog, for various reasons.

But it’s all good.  For all ages and all stages.  It’s the type of blog I wish I had come across when I was in my 20’s and only married for a few years. But back then, of course, in the ‘olden days’, there were no blogs at all!

I think this blog is fairly terrific. Take a look.

Enough said.

1 comment:

  1. Cool find. I'll have to bookmark that. Thanks for passing it along.


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