Aug 26, 2011

Coffee Talk

Hey McDonald’s, my favorite  no-frills  drink of this summer has been your iced coffees – with 2 milks and no sweeteners. Yum!  Your coffee really IS so good! McD’s, you sucked me in when you offered drinks all summer long for $1!! Any size!  A simple pass by my other coffee go-to, into your drive-through, and I’m set for running errands or heading home afterwards.  Oh, you won’t catch me ordering any other fast food much, although I have had 1 of your hamburgers (I was desperate and weak) and a couple of breakfasts while traveling. I’ve repented. It won’t happen again.


Sorry, Tim Horton’s, I’ve hardly seen you all summer long, except for a visit here and there while on holiday. I haven’t forgotten you completely, though. Fall is coming. I may be calling you on a more regular basis. Unless my most favorite coffee establishment beckons me.

You know the one. Nothing can surpass the Starbucks Mocha Coconut Frappacino for a summer drink. With real whipped cream. Oh. my. word. That’s only for special occasions when I need to feel truly special and treated,though. It’s a bit ridiculously priced! And for Fall, their Cafe Misto has captured my tastebuds.

mocha coconut

So, no hard feelings, Tim, okay?


  1. I LOVE the mocha coconut frapp!! haven't tried the $1 iced coffee, but it sounds good.

  2. I hear you on the mocha coconut. Yum! I've only given in and ordered it twice though. So rich and delicious!


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