Mar 6, 2012

Making the Grade

I'm mired in portfolios and report card commenting right now, and it got me to thinking about Lent. Weird how and where the mind goes sometimes, isn't it?

Yes, I'm doing Lent, but I seem to be  failing at accomplishing my goals, at least I'm not doing as well at it as I had hoped. Oh, I had big plans. Fast from A + Add B = Closer to God, one day at a time. I'm not dissing Lent, by the way, because personally I feel it's a wonderful practice. After all, it keeps my focus on our relationship, and that's the main thing.

 How can that be a fail?

But, back to the feelings of failure. Am I passing or failing, I ask myself?

Well, if I'm looking to get into God's good books because of what I'm doing and how great I'm doing at it, I'm failing. (He doesn't play that game with me, anyway, but human nature seems to like being graded.)

If my failures remind me that God looks at me with pure pleasure and love no matter how much I mess up (including failing to meet my goals for Lent), then, hey, I get an A!!!

We all make the grade! Isn't that great?


  1. I was talking to my kids about Lent the other day. They wanted to know why I HAD to do it. I tried to explain that I don't HAVE to. It got me thinking about all the religious things we do, right down to taking communion. 'Do this in remembrance of me.' I know I certainly need these constant 'reminders' to 'remember.' None of it is 'have to' but I do these things to keep my attention focused where I want it, because I know how easily my attention wanders elsewhere and I forget.

  2. I'm so glad that God isn't grading me on my Lent goals. At best I think I'd be getting a C+.


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