Jun 22, 2011


To those of you who have requested access to my private blog, I thank you! I hope that I will make that extra step you must take to read my blog, worthwhile.

And I hope you keep reading. It's not THAT much fun to blog if nobody's reading, right? Mind you, I journal sporadically, so I must get something out of writing just for writing's sake.

Anyway, we all know that comments make a blogger happy, so I hope you will drop me a line now and then.

You're probably wondering WHY I switched to a private blog? I probably wouldn't have switched if I didn't have a 'professional' presence on the web, too. (teaching with an online school and another blog for the official 'teacher' side of me).

Maybe I have a few privacy issues (Dave would say I do!), but it just feels weird thinking that possibly the families and colleagues I work with could read my personal blog.  Chances are, they haven't, wouldn't, and would probably glance at it and never return. BUT, it's the 'not knowing' that kept on rearing its head like a gopher out of a gopher hole. So, I put an end to that naggy feeling that kept me awake at night (not really) and decided to go private. Now I feel like I can stop wondering so much if/who is reading. Call me paranoid, if you'd like. Just not to my face!! ;)

Funny thing is, I don't mind at all if strangers read my stuff. The more the merrier. I like making new friends.  It's the people who sort of know me, but not really!! What does that say about me, any of you wannabe psychologists out there?

Anyway, now I can share all about my very personal issues... ha!! Probably not, but at least if I spill the beans on something a little more personal at times, I won't have insomnia over it. I'll just have supportive group of blog buddies to say "Yeah, I know what you mean, I'm with ya", or "what the ?? You crazy woman!!" or something like that.

Anyway, I won't be blogging too much in the next week or so, because I am in my CRAZY time with work (report cards) and Jill is flying back to Vancouver next week from her European escapade and we're going to take a couple of days to have a little get away (maybe) and go pick up our girl, and I'm away for 2 days this weekend, taking an out of town course on Irlen testing (I'll leave you guessing what that is, but it's going to be interesting!) ;)

Hope you're all enjoying the first days of summer. Hurray for school being OUT (almost!!)

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean about it being weirder for acquaintances (especially those that don't leave comment) to read your thoughts than perfect strangers. I feel the same way!


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