May 4, 2010

Oh Joy, my PMC is over!

A few days late, but who's counting? For the month of April, I challenged myself to reading ONLY fiction books, and for the most part, I accomplished it. Okay, there were a few times when I read excerpts out of nonfiction books, but I did not completely read even ONE. And it was tough. Some days I held the books, lovingly stroked them, and flipped through the pages. When  a highly anticipated Amazon parcel arrived in the mail , it was extremely difficult to set the books aside on the shelf and just stare at their spines for several weeks! I'm glad this month is over, and I can get back to the reading I love... nonfiction.

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good novel on a regular basis, but it has to grab me or I will toss it aside quite easily. Talking to the Dead by Bonnie Grove (Canadian author!) was EXCELLENT! Intriguing storyline, great characters, a little humour, and contemporary issues -- my kind of book. I will be looking out for her next novel, for sure! Grace in Bender Springs by Venita Wright - another winner. She is a Christian author I've recently discovered. Love her writing!  I also read Not My Daughter by Barbara Delinsky. The premise of the book sounded really interesting, but I just wasn't sure that the true emotions of the characters were really captured in the story. Maybe too much dialogue? So, I tended to scan pages and skip parts. I also read The Martyr's Song by Ted Dekker. A short book but an inspirational read.  Currently I am reading Erin Healy's Never Let You Go. She has co-written several books with Ted Dekker. You'll have to wait for my BookSneeze review for info on that one.

Which brings me to my next PMC for May. It's been very busy for me this past week or so, being out of town for work, etc, and so this new month has gotten away on me. I have hummed and hawed about what my next challenge is going to be. I don't want to commit to one that I don't feel strongly about, and right now I have no desire to challenge myself in any way. So... today I decided my PMC this month is going to be... Be Challenge Free! I am not going to tell myself I must do ANYTHING for a set amount of time. Is that lame or what? I suppose I don't want to fail at this month's challenge.

It just feels right to give myself a break.


  1. You are the funniest girl I know and I LOVE reading your blog AND spending time with you! =) Wish we could have seen more of each other this weekend. How can we be such good friends and be so different? I could go all year without reading one single non-fiction book! Novels rule! And as for this month's challenge.... I just had to laugh. I don't think you can do it though - what are you going to do without a monthly challenge? I think you should swim in your pool every day this month regardless of the weather. How about that??!

  2. I have 'Talking to the Dead' and loved reading it. Nice to have my own copy to stroke. ;)

    Btw, you tickle me!

  3. Congratulations on completing your challenge! I would have trouble if the challenge had been the other way around; I love fiction!

  4. I think your new challenge is kind of neat. Sometimes it's hard to not have a goal and Missed you at WOW!


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