Apr 27, 2010

The Waney Season

Maybe people just  have better things to do.  

I've been feeling less like blogging as well, lately. But I know my interest peaks and wanes when it comes to this social networking thing. It's in the 'waney season' the last little while. When it becomes a chore, it's better to just back off until the excitement returns. Or something so exciting happens in my corner of the world that I just can't help blogging about it. I'll let you know. Maybe.


  1. Exactly where I am at right now! I feel like I OUGHT to blog, but it just isn't there for me! I will have to see how the "juice" flows...

  2. Is it sunny in Jonland today? Hardy har har.

  3. I seem to blog in fits and starts too. Maybe it's normal?

  4. I go in spurts too. Right now, I'm trying to increase my blog traffic so am trying to be purposeful about adding new posts regularly but it is getting harder to do the past week or so. I also find that when there are things going on in my life that I can't blog about because they are too personal, I feel like a fraud and avoid blogging.


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