Mar 14, 2010

Random Dozen

It’s that kind of afternoon…time for a random blog post, thanks to 2nd Cup of Coffee.
1. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet?
To be honest, I don’t really know. What I do know is I tend to buy cheap shoes or used ones, so if I do get rid of them, it’s not a big deal.
2. Did you buy Girl Scout cookies this year? If so, what variety?
No, I probably would have, just to be nice to the girls who came by, but they ARE a tad expensive, don’t you think?  I would probably buy chocolate.
3. . Do you know how to ballroom dance? If not, would you like to?
Even though Dave and I took 4 weeks of lessons a couple of years ago, sadly, we haven’t retained much. (If you don’t use it, you definitely will lose it!)  We did have some good laughs taking the lessons, though!
4.Were you a responsible child/teenager?
Definitely. I used to gauge my choice of activities by, “Would this disappoint my parents if I participated?”. For better or worse, it’s true.  In other ways, though, I was immature… I guess that’s not surprising.
5. How many of this year's Oscar-nominated movies did you see?
The Blind Side, Avatar, Up, District 9  --and I enjoyed all of them for various reasons.
6. If you're going to have a medical procedure done, such as having blood drawn, is it easier for you to watch someone else having the procedure done or have it done yourself?
If I had to watch, it would be easier to watch someone else.  I don’t appreciate observing needles or incisions. Ew.
7. What is your favorite day of the week and why?
Saturday. Hubby’s day off. We get to sleep in and have a leisurely brunch. I don’t feel guilty for ‘wasting’ the day.
8. Do you miss anyone right now?
I haven’t lived near extended family for years, so I’m very used to being far away from family. My own children all live nearby, so I don’t miss them right now. ;)  I’d have to say my sisters – a good long Tim Horton’s coffee time with my sisters (or brothers, for that matter) would be really nice right now.
9. Do hospitals make you queasy?
Hospitals make me nervous. Why is it that every hospital has that eery feel to it.?  I guess I’ve watched too many movies or heard too many stories about  negative experiences in hospitals.
10.  At which store would you like to max-out your credit card. Not that you ever would, you responsible person, you.
Oh, this is a toughie, because I’m really not a shopper.  Probably a department store  where I could buy a variety of items – furniture, clothing, household stuff. I’m much too practical, really.  Either that or a clothing store like Cleo. I’d hire someone like that woman on What Not to Wear, and have her put together an entire wardrobe for me.
11. Are you true to the brand names of products/items?
No. Price matters. The exception: I will not purchase no-name cereals. Cereals must be name brand.
12. Which is more difficult: looking into someone’s eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when he/she is telling you how he/she feels?
Definitely telling someone how I feel is harder for me. Let me write it down and hand it to them in a brown envelope, and I would be much more comfortable.  I do appreciate listening to others and how they feel, though. I can do that.


  1. I'm not sure why, but I find your answer to #11 quite funny.

  2. Fascinating post. I love learning little tidbits about people. :)

  3. It is a great way to get to know people these little questionaires.

  4. I hope you all post your Random Dozen!

  5. I have to say the first question just grabbed me because I just said to Dan today that the shoes I wore today I bought for a couple bucks at a store I worked at 28 years ago!! They are just an ever-in-style pair of pumps and I am thinking I might be taking them to heaven with me as they don't seem to ever wear out.

  6. This was interesting. I'm going to post it, too. I haven't posted in too long!


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