Feb 21, 2010

No Offense Taken

Last week I attempted to log in to my blog, but was halted in mid click.  Bold, red words appeared basically telling me that my account had been suspended due to some questionable matter on my blog. What????!!!  Did I break some Google rule?  Did I copy and paste something I shouldn’t have, or forgot to give credit where credit is due? Or did I write something offensive?
I researched Google rules (have you ever read them?) and decided to email the powers that be (you know Google basically owns everything you post and they can shut you down at any time without explanation)  and ask them to specify exactly what I had done that would offend them so.
Funny thing is, my kids will tell me my blog is quite uncontroversial and not opinionated enough to cause any kafuffle at all. They keep telling me to spice it up if I want more readers.  Me? Ruffle feathers? Quite out of character (on my blog, anyway).   And that might translate into B.O.R.I.N.G. at times. But at least it’s safe—or so I thought!
Well, from what I can gather, the email I received back said that my password had been compromised and it was time to choose another one. They suggested something hard for a computer to generate, of course. So, I changed my password and retrieved my blog. Phew!
So, my blog carries on in its usual manner… pablum for the internet. Bland, but nourishing. Ha!ha!


  1. I've been getting an unprecedented amount of spam in my comments. I may have to go to the annoying word verification thing.
    Maybe I should change my password, too. It is pretty easy...
    But I'm afraid I can't remember anything more difficult!

  2. Kay, I know what you mean. Something meaningful that includes words and numbers... but nothing too personal, of course!

  3. That's kind of hilarious. Glad to hear you didn't get shut down though!


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