Dec 19, 2011

Melt in your hand…

..not in your mouth, unfortunately.

I hummed and hawed about making whipped shortbread this year. Now I remember why I usually bake regular shortbread cookies.

Because I hate it when this happens…

Dec 11 063

Not sure why. Maybe it didn’t bake long enough? I put it in longer than it called for, though.

Anyway, I popped them back in for an extra 5-7 minutes, and I baked the final batches much longer. Hopefully, once cooled, they will hold themselves together.

I think my oven is on its way out (that’s my excuse, anyway).  Maybe Santa will bring me a new fancy schmancy one next year.

That’s the one thing I hate about baking…when things don’t turn out. What a waste of time and money.

Do you bake whipped shortbread? What’s your secret to success? 

Care to share an EBF (Epic Bake Fail)  so we can mourn together?


  1. whipped shortbread has never done this. Maybe I'll make a batch tomorrow and see what happens. Of course, I HAVE a brand new over to bake in :)

  2. Maureen, maybe it's my recipe!! I'll have to compare with yours!

  3. I almost ruined my shortbread. It's not as good as usual, but I salvaged it. Double batch too. :-(

  4. I was thinking of trying my hand at whipped shortbread this year but now I'm thinking perhaps not. My fave shortbread recipe is foolproof because it's baked in a 9-inch square pan and then cut into squares. :)


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