Dec 18, 2011

Free (or almost free) Gifts

1. The gift of being interrupted- answer that phone call, stop to talk to a neighbour, put down that project or book or look up from the computer and engage in conversation.

2. Skype that friend or relative I’ve  been meaning to contact.

3. The gift of prayer – really pray for that person I said I would pray for.

4. Offer child care to that busy mom.

5. Bring over that loaf cake to the neighbour.

6. Forgive that person who offended me a few months back.

7. Give that back massage to that person who would LOVE it.

8. Take some time just to be. Have that long hot bath and enjoy the silence.

9. Thank my co workers for being great to work with.

10. Ask my spouse, my sibling, or my friend to forgive me for that thoughtless comment.

11. Make a meal for a needy friend and surprise them.

12. Invite a friend or neighbour over for coffee.

13. Bake a favorite Christmas treat for someone I love. Or someone I don’t.

14. Reminisce about the ‘good old days’ with someone I love.

15. Write a thank you note to someone for something I am grateful for.

What free gifts would you like to receive or give?


  1. You have given me some great ideas to keep Christmas the way is should be. Thanks!

  2. Great list! My free gift this Christmas is having all my kids home at the same time (plus spouses).

  3. Great ideas! My gift is to provide the snacks and home for our teenage sons' friends to hang out and have fun.


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