Dec 17, 2011

Christmas with the Crank

snowball I’ll let it out. I feel cranky today. Up till now I think I’ve done pretty well focusing on the wonderful things about this season. I haven’t even felt overwhelmed with everything like I have in previous years.

But today it’s different. Probably a lot of little factors collecting and growing, like one of those snowballs we used to roll and push down the hill, gathering the sticky stuff as it careened towards the bottom where it would find its resting place.

I had a great list of things to check off today, but found myself losing momentum pretty early in the day, and then feeling a bit sorry for myself because no one was offering to help.  Sometimes unmet expectations can really wreak havoc with one’s day, if you know what I mean. And that is nobody’s fault but my own. Time to suck it up and continue on. Often changing one’s attitude is about the only thing one can control.

Oh, and turning on the Christmas music, which I haven’t done today yet.

It’s going to be a GREAT evening! ;)


  1. It's hard having a cranky day during the holidays because you feel like you should not feel cranky. Hope your evening was better! Hope the music brought the joy you needed!

  2. You're not alone. I had a few cranky days last week too. I figured that as long as I got over it before company shows up it's all good. ;)


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