Dec 12, 2011

Oh Happy Day

The day on which a certain child was born. No, I don’t have my Christmas dates mixed up. This is a simple post dedicated to my partner in crime  life. Happy Birthday, Dave!

Here he is enjoying his new Ikea chair for the TV room. He  got a big screen TV a couple of years ago and now this. What more could he want?

Dec 11 057


  1. Give Dave a birthday hug from me :)

  2. I'll bet he's watching Netflix....
    Truly, there is little else to desire in life!

  3. Happy belated Birthday to your Handyman!

  4. P.S.
    I love your new background! Where do you find such cool ones?

  5. @Heather - The background was a new option in Blogger. Go to customize, advanced, backgrounds. You, too, can have it with the click of a button! :)

  6. I didn't realize that Dave's birthday was the day after mine. Happy Belated Birthday to him!


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