Nov 29, 2011

Wanted, but why?

This has nothing to do with Christmas, but I am having an urge to get a dog. Not just any dog, though. It has to be  yap-free for the most part, able to get along with a cranky cat, a minimal or non shedder, and have a nice disposition. Oh, it also has to be a house pet (smaller) and doesn’t need to be running outdoors all the time.

Should I get a stuffed animal?


  1. Yes, definitely a stuffed animal! And beware. You are going down the slippery slope. First thing you know someone will get you a REAL dog for Christmas and there you'll be. Stuck.

  2. I just realized I already have what I want, if you substitute 'man' for 'dog', that is! ;) ha! Ha!

  3. Well, stuffed animals are a lot easier to deal with. BUT...they don't come running to the door when you get home, wagging their little tails, waiting to be picked up and cuddled, making you feel like you're the greatest thing since sliced bread. So ya, I recommend the real thing. :)

  4. Uh, I vote for a stuffed animal. ;) Only because we now number 4 in dogs once again. We're nuts, and seems you're more sensible!!!

  5. You could borrow Pippa for a few days if you want and see how you feel =) She and Buddy get along great! =)


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