Nov 30, 2011

Not so Extreme Living Room Makeover coming

Tomorrow is December 1st, which means I can officially begin to celebrate Christmas! So, my living room will look all Christmas-y by the end of tomorrow evening. Right now it looks like this. Pretty basic.
Nov 11 036
Tomorrow it will look all festive and fancy. In moderation, of course. Cuz I do most things in moderation.
On another, somewhat, but not really, related note…
While at Ikea a few weeks ago, we bought a few frames (some very large) that we have been talking about buying for months, perhaps years. We have talked about getting some of our son’s photo’s enlarged, framed, and displayed. Why we didn’t do it sooner, I don’t know. Anyway, the day after we came home with these frames, we found out that the printer at his work (where we could get them printed FOR FREE) broke down. It was also being moved to another city in the next few days. Which means, it won’t be so easy to get these photos printed now. That is a lesson to us all. PROCRASTINATION is bad.bad.bad. There is hope to still get them  printed for free, but not as soon as we had hoped. *sigh*.


  1. Have fun with your decorating!

  2. I've been burned by procrastination many a time. You'd think we'd learn.

  3. Awww, the living room looks so cozy already...can't wait til its at maximum coziness with all the decorations! (ps tell dad the fireplace looks very nice)


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