Dec 1, 2011

The Girl Who Loved Buttermilk

As a young girl, buttermilk was a staple in our home. I loved it best with it poured into a bowl, over a dutch rusk, with sugar sprinkled on it. Oh, now that was a heavenly treat! And to think that buttermilk was GOOD for me.

I still love buttermilk to this day, but for some reason, rarely buy it. I’ve found something that tastes almost exactly like it now. Kefir. Made with regular heated milk,  with a packet of kefir mix added, and left to sit on the counter for 24 hours, then refrigerated for 8 more. Stir it up and it’s ready to consume. Neat thing is, with about 1/3 of the contents still left, just add some more milk, let it sit on the counter over night, refrigerate, and enjoy it again. This can be done a couple of times, then it’s time to use a new packet.

Nov 11 012

Did you know that fermented food is REALLY healthy for you?   It’s a natural antibiotic, contains  good bacteria, and it doesn’t usually bother lactose intolerant people. The culturing of the milk restores many of the enzymes destroyed during pasteurization. Raw milk (unpasteurized), of course, is the healthiest milk to drink, but it’s illegal to purchase or sell here in Canada. Is that crazy or what?

If you want to know more about healthy eating the old fashioned way, check out Nourishing Traditions, a  very interesting book full of info and recipes that ‘challenges politically correct nutrition and diet dictocrats’ , by Sally Fallon. I think the info is worth the price of the book.

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats


  1. I'm not sold on the Kefir, but I'd love to borrow your book when you're done with it!

  2. I borrowed it from the library, Jill. One day I will own a copy. :)

  3. I LOVE my kefir. But my grains died so I haven't had any for a while :( I'm going to have to get one of those packets. With grains I don't even have to heat the milk - I just pour it over the grains straight from the fridge. How easy is that?!

  4. Yuck to the fermented foods for me, but I'm glad that you are enjoying it and that it is bringing back childhood memories for you.


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