Nov 15, 2011

Blog Issues

I decided to change up my blog template today, and that's when trouble happened. For some reason, my sidebar has dropped to the bottom of my page and no matter what I do to edit the template, it won't move back. Since it's been very frustrating to attempt to fix, I am just going to ignore it for now. In fact, I'm going to pretend this blog doesn't exist, for the entire evening! Either that or pull my hair out.

And that's my post of the day.


  1. I have had weird things happen with Blogger off and on over the past few months. if you just wait a day often the issues will resolve themselves. It is very frustrating though.

  2. You gotta know when to just walk away.
    He he. One day you'll be feeling all inspired, and bloggy, and you'll have a little project here waiting for you.

    Wow. Looks like I have a few posts to catch up on. You've been a busy blogger!

  3. @Kristie - yes, it seems that way, but I think somehow that this time is different. I was probably clicking too many buttons at once. I might have to move to a new blog...

    @Danica - let's hope..


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