Nov 14, 2011

Got the Time?

“Don’t use the excuse, ‘I don’t have the time.’ Getting up an hour earlier is tough for about a month; then it becomes routine, and you’ll actually feel better for it.” --Howard Elakman
Is this really true? I am not an early bird, but when I do get up early, I’m usually glad I’m up. So much more can be accomplished when one begins early.
What holds me back is knowing how good it feels to stay in bed one hour longer. It’s cozy, warm, quiet and I don’t have to think about my day’s schedule until the last minute. Besides, if I DO get up, I’ll probably just be very sleepy and end up napping on the couch. The dark winter mornings won’t help!
But maybe this would be a really good idea. Think of what an extra hour a day could do for my productivity!
This would not be easy for me. I am so not a morning person.
Will I feel better about  it after a month? Only time will tell. It might be one long month!
Not saying it’s going to happen. I’m just at the contemplative stage.


  1. I think ... Getting up an hour earlier each day will only work for a little while. Once your schedule gets use to the extra hour and you get busy again then you'll need to get up an additional hour earlier. Pretty soon you might not go to bed at all and die from sheer exhaustion! Perhaps we should do less, relax and enjoy those warm, quiet, cozy minutes under the duvet? Especially if there is someone to snuggle with. Remember, in heaven there's no night ... we'll have eternity to spend without sleep.
    Enjoy! :)

  2. maybe reevaluate the time management of your current schedule...maybe you don't have to get up an hour early to get more done? Just sayin' ;)

  3. I have my alarm set for 6 - Matt's alarm goes off at seven, and that's when I wake the kids. I have to admit, there are days where I lie in bed the entire hour, but most of the time I'm able to drag my butt out of bed. I always have a better morning and a better day if I have that hour.

  4. But I don't use the time to 'get things done.' I use the time for sitting still, spacing out, prayer, devotional, journalling and things like that.


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