Oct 22, 2011

What really matters

I keep a list of blog ideas on my iTouch  on my Notes app. But lately, it just seems strange to write about things that are frivolous or don’t really matter in the scheme of things.

Last week we found out that my dad has stage 4 prostate cancer. All of a sudden, it puts everything into perspective.

We won’t know for a few weeks yet whether or not the cancer has spread from the prostate. Until then, we are hoping and praying it’s contained. And I just have a hard time with knowing how to handle this news until we know more.

Dad’s not feeling sick or sore and he says that’s a strange feeling. To feel so well and yet be facing a serious disease.  I can honestly say my dad is a very healthy person…except for the cancer. He has no other health issues and he takes no medication, he walks and/or bikes regularly, he chooses to eat healthy foods, and he looks great! He is one handsome 78 year old!

I’m so thankful my dad has Jesus in his life.  There is no fear of dying, then. The process is scary, nevertheless. The not knowing what’s in store.  For him, and the rest of us that love him so much.

I hope there are a good number of years left to enjoy my Dad.


  1. I am so sorry to hear this news about your dad. The next few weeks are going to be rough waiting to hear if it has spread. After my dad died I took a couple weeks off from blogging. I simply didn't have anything to say. Hopefully you will get a good report.

  2. We'll pray for your dad's full recovery Aneta. Thanks for sharing with us your sad news. We will pray everyday for him and your whole family.

  3. Aneta, sorry to hear the news about your dad. Your explanation about your dad sounds very familiar to me as this is very similar to what happened to my dad. My dad was diagnosed with having prostate cancer about 7 or 8 years ago. It was controlled for many years with estrogen. Then, last year it all changed and it became quite agressive. My dad too was always healthy and fit - at 85 years of age he was running through fields with his great grandchildren flying a great big kite that he had made. He too never had pain or felt overly sick. My dad turned 86 years of age and he still lived for 6 months after that. He too had Jesus and he went to be with him (Jesus) this past July 3 - that was his wish - to be with Jesus.
    I guess what I'm trying to say with all of this is that I know what you are going through. I too will pray for you and your dad(family) for peace - the peace that passes all understanding for these next days, weeks months and hopefully years. Your dad has a firm foundation with Jesus and his life is secure with him.

  4. Hi, friends, thanks so much for your kind words. Really appreciated it.

  5. It still seems so hard to believe...

  6. Oh Aneta. I'm so sorry to hear this. I'll be praying for your dad and your family. I know what it's like to have a terminally ill family member. ((hugs))


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