Oct 16, 2011

It’s October, but Christmas is coming!

I know. It’s hard to believe. Until you go to Costco. Then you know it’s true. Christmas IS coming. I’ve been thinking about the whole gift giving thing… AGAIN…! As much as I LOVE giving gifts, Christmas shopping  just gets to be too much, you know?

The malls, the flyers, the useless items, the frantic searches for ‘one last thing’…..ahhhhhhh…..!!!! Calgon, take me awayyyy!

 dreamstimefree_1516566 But, realistically, it’s hard to stop a train that has been moving for a while, especially when the passengers are the people you love and you WANT to give good things to them. And they love train rides. Hey, if they decided to jump off the train, that would be different. And one day, that may happen.

But for now, I have a plan to keep sane this coming Christmas season…

I am only going to shop at ONE store for Christmas gifts this year. That, and online (Amazon, most likely). Yes, it’s going to be a Costco Christmas for me.

Whether we pick names or not, one (or more) lucky family member(s) will be getting something from the store that usually has something for anyone/everyone.

Is that lame, lazy, or an idea whose time has come?


free photo courtesy of dreamstime.com


  1. That may be an idea that I can glom on to. I've been trying to think how to simplify even more this year. Hmmm....I'm going to give it some thought. (or how about we chuck it all and take our families to Hawaii?)

  2. I almost bought something at Costco the other day as a Christmas gift. We pick names every year in my family and this item was pretty much the price range we aim for, and it was something that would be universally useful, so I almost picked it up. BUT, we haven't even picked names yet, so I decided I should at least hold off before I know who I'm shopping for. If I can make it more personal I will.
    I have a few plans for making a gift or two. I think my gift-giving will be fairly simple and easy this year. My biggest challenge is what to get for Matthew.

  3. Are we picking names again this year? Our family is frickin hard to buy for.

  4. I used to be where you are now. I love to give people gifts, but with a big family getting even bigger I threw in the towel. Now we put everyone's name in a hat and draw names.

  5. In the small community where I live there isn't a mall or a Costco. We are starved for Christmas decorations, actually we are starved for places to shop! I did see a city worker on a ladder yesterday possibly putting up Christmas lights in a tree. I can't wait!

  6. A few years ago I used my Save-On-More points to get gift cards for all of the adults in our families. Best idea I ever had! This year I've already picked up quite a few little gifts because I'm determined to have all of my shopping done before the end of November.


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