Oct 26, 2011

A Break in the Clouds

dreamstimefree_2clouds That title sounds a bit more dramatic than my life, but hey, it caught your attention, didn’t it? ;)

Sometimes it feels like we go through the wringer washer of life and we just want to say “Enough, already!!”.

Well, today, to remind me that the sun really is there, even if it’s behind the clouds, God sent me a ‘joy pop’. That’s a term I learned at a Women of Faith conference years ago. Today mine included lightheartedness and laughter.

Today  I stopped at the local Agri-Suppy store to pick up some mouse poison (yik).  The chatty young woman working there gave me the details on ways to kill mice and from there she noticed my scarf . Which got us to chatting about knitting, and how she was a rather new knitter. I mentioned socks are great projects because they don’t take forever to finish. It’s not often I slip off my shoes and raise my foot in the air for a stranger. But this time it seemed the appropriate thing to do.

She shared about how one of her socks ended up much bigger than the other.  I could relate and we both laughed.

She mentioned   that what she REALLY wanted to knit were fingerless mitts. Well, what did I pull out of my purse, but my favorite pair to show her? And so she gave me her email and I promised to send her the pattern.

We discovered that we both do online work from home, and we both happened to be wearing logowear from our respective businesses. So we discussed the benefits that go along with  working from home, like being able to  wrap  yourself in your favorite blanket while working. 

She  mentioned she was engaged and hoped to have children one day and wanted to homeschool them!

So, here was a perfect stranger, but I felt a connection with her. She was so sweet and pleasant. So refreshing.

She was like a stream of sunlight on a cloudy day. I doubt she knows that, but that’s what she was.

Sometimes it’s the little things.

Maybe YOU will be the break in someone’s cloudy day this week!


free photo courtesy of Dreamstime.com


  1. Oh, that's so sweet. What a nice moment.

  2. I bet you were a stream of sunlight on her day! You have that way about you, too!

  3. Oh, I love moments like that!


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