Oct 1, 2011

The Real Thing

My lovely neighbourhood egg lady and gardener extraordinaire  came by today and asked me if I’d like to buy some tomatoes from her. Not just a few pounds, more like forty pounds! Fresh, round, locally grown tomatoes. Perfect for canning, or freezing, or making real spaghetti sauce.

I hadn’t planned to be working with tomatoes today, but hey, plans change.  Flexible is now my middle name. I decided to find a good homemade tomato sauce recipe on the ‘net and Allrecipes did not let me down.  I sauteed onions, green peppers, garlic, and celery in a mixture of butter and olive oil, then added at least 20 cut up and somewhat seeded tomatoes to the dutch oven.  I added some spices. Then simmer, simmer,simmer. All evening long. It’s getting nice and thick and it tastes great! Now, I just have to figure out a way to get rid of the tomato peels. Hopefully they will just all float to the top and I can skim them off.. Or I’ll have to use a strainer of sorts. I’ll worry about that tomorrow.

Oct 11 025

Decided against canning the remainder. They are all nicely bagged and tucked into the freezer.

Tomorrow maybe I’ll get to those apples I was hoping to make into a few pies today!

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