Sep 29, 2011

Out Loud

Read Alouds. That was my favorite aspect of homeschooling all those years ago. The books were usually fantastic, the kids were interested, and it was easy to do. All four kids on the couch, me with the current book in hand, and away we’d go. Oh, sometimes it got to be too much after lunch, and my words would start to slur and my eyes would want to close. Just. Give. Me. Five. Minutes. … and I’d be fine (well, maybe a little longer than 5 minutes cat nap time).

Now I have no one to read to, anymore, and I miss that. I know some couples read to each other, but we don’t. Hubby has memories of his mom reading long-winded excerpts out of the paper when he was a kid and didn’t really want to sit still and listen. So, when I want to read to him, it brings him back to that.  And he simply doesn’t enjoy reading aloud. I understand.

Do you ever read aloud? Pray aloud when you’re by yourself? Lately, I sometimes read excerpts from a little book called The Divine Hours by Phyllis Tickle. These are fixed hour prayers and readings taken mainly from the Book of Common Prayer and the Church Fathers.  And, since I’m home alone most mornings, I will often read the morning prayers  and readings aloud.

Here’s one I just love:

Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father, you have brought me in safety to the beginning of this day. Preserve me with your mighty power, that I may not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity; and in all I do, direct me to the fulfilling of your purposes; through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Good way to start the day, hey?

In my early years in church, we often participated in choral reading, for things like the Benediction or the Lord’s Prayer. I may not have appreciated it much back then, but now I look back at it as something wonderful and meaningful.  Funny how that happens.

Sometimes others’ words are just the right ones. And saying them aloud makes them more significant somehow.


  1. I often miss hearing scripture read aloud in church. They did that at Gateway when I started attending 11 or so years ago.

    I was reading Philosophy aloud today. Only because if it is dry stuff, or complicated it helps me to slow down and focus by reading aloud.

  2. I love this post! Reading aloud was THE highlight of our homeschoolig years. And like you, I no longer have an audience to read to. Your solution sounds like a good one.

  3. Still reading out loud here for a few more years! =) Dan and I have tried reading to each other, and we might go back to it when Lanny is no longer around to read to, but it definitely isn't the same as reading to a child. Lanny is learning the fine art of combing my hair while I read - that produces a much longer read out of mother he is finding!

  4. I loved our read alouds! And now I love reading aloud... reading The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe to my campers back in the day was a highlight for both me and them.

  5. I was just saying to my girls awhile back that I really missing reading aloud to them. That used to be one of my favorite things...tucking them into bed at night and then reading to them.


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