Sep 8, 2011

Owl or Chickadee?

I wouldn’t call myself a morning person, but I definitely have more energy early in the day. Every day when I get up, I have goals that I hope to meet. I really can get a lot done in the morning and early afternoon.

By the end of the day, after supper, I am so ready to ‘veg’. 

I could be baking.

I could be cleaning.

I could be doing laundry.

I could be writing my memoirs.

I could be knitting.

I could be puttering in the yard.

I could get so much done with those after supper hours!

I WANT to be productive in the evening, but once supper is over and, if I’m not heading out to a meeting or other engagement, I really just want to put my feet up and think very little. More often than not, I grab my laptop and catch up on a few blogs. Before I know it, it’s ‘legal’ to go to bed. I envision reading a good book as I settle in. So, that’s usually what I do.

Oh, I want to be more productive than that, but more often than not, I just relax. And maybe that’s just fine. Why do I feel like I have to be busy 24/7?

My energy level generally looks like  a ski hill. What about yours? Are you an early bird or a night owl? 


  1. I am an early bird. A very early bird. Which means I am basically toast in the evenings, and my kids learned at an early age not to attempt any meaningful conversation with me after 9:00 at night.

  2. I can be a chickadee, just not a sociable one!

  3. I have all my energy in the morning and even set my alarm really early to make the most of it.
    That being said, I am not a people person in the morning and part of the reason why I get up at least an hour earlier before my family is so that I can be civil to them when they do get up. :-)

  4. Early bird! In fact such an early bird these days, I have been waking up at 4:30 am.- every day this week! GROSS. I hope this is just a little glitch in my journey towards menopause. I hope. But at 6 I get up and I can be chatty by 6:15 if there is anyone to be chatty with. I am good for nothing after 7 pm.

  5. I'm a night owl who married an early bird so now I'm kind of a bit of both.


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