Sep 9, 2011

The New Neighbours

Well, we have our new tenants in our renovated rental now! And we have a good feeling about them. When we listed our place on Kijiji, we had a flurry of emails indicating great (sometimes desperate) interest in our humble home across the way.

Even people driving by the place would leave notes on our door asking us to please call them if the place was still available. They were looking for a new home for themselves or a family member. We even had interest from a couple in Vancouver who wanted the place without even seeing it (except for photos). I guess the price must be right.

T and J seem to be a good fit for the place. I have never seen such a bubbly, happy person as T! Her favorite words are ‘excellent!’, ‘super’, and ‘awesome’, each word repeated at least 3 times in succession. She is a self taught artist and tonight she showed us a few of the pieces she has completed.

Handyman and I were over there to bring over some paint that she wanted to use for touching up (yay! someone that cares about the place!!) some of the corners she wanted to seal a bit better for the winter. Anyway, I asked her what type of artist she was (the den is going to be her ‘studio’) and she pulled out her portfolio. 

“I love to draw the female form”, she stated matter-of-factly and turned the pages for us. Beautiful pencil sketches of naked women, page after page. Dave and I looked at each other . My eye brows may have raised a little. I should say the pictures were tastefully done, but we just weren’t expecting it, I guess.

She also sculpts, and her pieces were beautiful (again, naked women..)  She also had some beautiful photos of nature (animals and plants) that she had taken. She hopes to make a living with her art one day. I think she will!

Our relationship with our tenants has gotten off to a good start. Hope we can become friends. Wouldn’t that be neat?


  1. Friends yes, but you might want to draw the line at being a model for her. Seriously though, glad you found such great renters after all your hard work on the trailer this summer!

  2. You must be very happy that the reno is over and good tenants are settled in for the winter. I guess it isn't surprising that she would want to seal the corners a bit better ... especially in the den. :)

  3. That's great - wish I could have seen it after all your hard work! Sounds like interesting tenants!

  4. @Kristie -- too funny! I'll think twice if she invites me to come have a visit! Better get back to my fitness routine! ;)

    @Heather - never thought of that, but it makes perfect sense!!

  5. I'm glad you were able to find such good tenants. And sounds like they may provide some good blogging material! ;)


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