Sep 5, 2011

I Love September…mostly

Today was a great day. Relaxed  family time, enjoying each others’ company around the pool. Hot weather. Just like a summer day should be. Nothing pressing to do except make supper.

I love September. Always have.  I love the deep colors of a late summer day. Blue skies. Dark green grass. Summer breezes. Cooler nights.

I love the tidiness of neighbourhoods. Spring can be wet and messy. Late summer is lush and manicured.

September means apples! Fresh from the tree.  Homemade apple pies. Applesauce. Maybe even apple juice (if we can get enough free apples!).

apples dreamstimefree_1262453

September means back to school. For some, it’s time for the kids to go back to school, and Mom gets to put some structure  and personal time back into her life. For homeschoolers, it’s a little different. After a summer of craziness and some free time for self, it’s back to writing up schedules and teaching. Routine means focusing on education at home with the kids. Pulling out new books. Organizing book stacks. Organizing work spaces. Book work, projects, reading aloud time, play dates, field trips, learning camps, lessons and work in the community all have to be organized. It is exciting and daunting all at the same time. I well remember!

The last few years it’s been just me…organizing me! Me and My  Big Fat Desk are going to get well acquainted once again.   Of course, this is besides the family and community activities that call for my attention. Not always an easy thing to do when I sometimes feel like I have ADD, distracted by everything and anything that catches my fancy at a given time!  If you find me posting a lot in the next while, you’ll know that I am practicing the art of procrastination!

But I really am very thankful to be working from home, with all the freedom that brings.

To be honest, it’s hard to give up a summer that was much too short. I’m not really ready to go back to work, if the truth be told. But I know that routine is good for me, and for that I am thankful. I hate frittering too much of my time away, although a little down time is highly valued!!

I will be using my trusty Google Calendar to schedule personal time and fun with friends and family.  You know what they say about ‘all work and no play’. 

How about you? What are you looking forward to this September?

Photo courtesy of


  1. I like September too, for many of the same reasons. I am super excited about back-to-school. My kids start today and I start tomorrow. I can't wait!

    Thanks for setting aside those books. :-)

  2. I hope you have scheduled some hikes into your Google planner! And I agree about September. It always seems like the true beginning of the year to me rather than January.

  3. My brain is still in summer mode so for now I'm ignoring the fact that it's September. :)


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