Mar 21, 2012

Not Your Ordinary Christian Movie

Blue Like Jazz (the movie) is coming out soon. And I have to admit I’m a little nervous about watching it. Maybe, because I think it might be offensive in some way. Or specifically, it might offend people I know. Maybe even me.  And here I am saying I’m looking forward to seeing it.  I read the book, after all, and thought it was interesting and provocative..and different. I like books that make me think. I don’t think the Christian experience can always be tied up neatly into a tidy bundle. And the journey takes detours sometimes. There are always lots of questions and not always immediate answers.

I have been a helper at Alpha the past month or so. I find that I still have questions…after how many years of following Jesus? Sometimes it’s more important to be a good listener than the one with all the answers. It feels safer having all the answers, though.

Came across this article, which I also found interesting.


  1. I loved the book and can't wait for the movie. And frankly, his comments about some Christian movies:

    "Sentimentality trumps substance
    Good intentions trump artistry
    All conflict must be tidily resolved
    “Safe for the whole family” is a de facto requirement"

    are some of the things that often bother me about Christian fiction too. But not always. There are definitely amazing Christian novels. Sometimes it just feels like you really have to dig around for them. But to be fair, for every good secular movie, there is a lot of crap too.

    1. I've read many excellent Christian novels, but there are some I definitely avoid. As for secular movies, good ones..really good ones.. are very hard to come by.. I agree!

  2. PS Do you know if it will be playing in the theatre here? If so, you want to go?

    1. If it comes to Kamloops, definitely..let's go! :)

  3. I feel like I must be the only Christian on the planet who has never read Blue Like Jazz. I should probably try to rectify that and find out what I've been missing. :)

    1. Sonya, it is in the church library. Of course.


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