Feb 17, 2012

On hands, life, and stories

“You get old and you realize there are no answers, just stories.”
— Garrison Keillor


I think hands are beautiful. They all hold stories.

There are the thin, dainty hands of a young woman. So soft and so pretty. So full of life. She thinks they’ll look like that forever.

There are the thick, scarred, hardworking hands of women who have done a lot of manual labour in their lives. They are strong and sturdy, and so capable!

There are the pampered hands of older women who have made it a priority to do what it takes to have soft, smooth, young looking hands with beautifully manicured nails. Beauty in all ages and all stages.

There are the middle aged hands showing wrinkles that can’t be creamed away, anymore. Each wrinkle tells its own story of the many years lived. Each wrinkle reminds the woman that time is moving on.

There are the hands of the aged woman. Hands that may be sore, misshapen, maybe not working that well, anymore. A reminder of the fragility of life. Time for those hands to rest.

You know what one of the nicest compliments I’ve ever received was?

“I really like your hands.”

Probably because I didn’t see it myself, and it made me look at them differently. They aren’t classically beautiful, but to my daughter, they are beautiful in some way.

What do you see when you look at your hands?


  1. I always used to love the look of old hands...until mine started to become like that :)

  2. They have faded somewhat because I've been working less, but for a while there, I had these huge calluses right across the palms of my hands from swinging brooms and mops all week. I liked the feel and look of them because they were unique and they reminded me that I was a hard worker.

  3. Baking cookies and muffins ... that is what my son notices. How lovely it must be to have a daughter! :)


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