Imagine the absolutely PERFECT Christmas day with your family. Come on.. pull out ALL the stops and just imagine for a bit. Now, imagine all the expectations that go with that- the ones you have for yourself and for others.
Realistically, all hopes and dreams for a perfect Christmas aren’t going to happen. They might come close, or they might be the farthest thing from it. But they ALL won’t happen. I don’t think I’m being negative here. Just realistic.
Of course, if you have no expectations, you won’t be disappointed (which I’ve blogged about before). But that’s not what I’m talking about today. Most of us hold some expectations for a happy Christmas together with loved ones.
This is what I read today:
“The only way to deal with family expectations is to simply refuse to give them so much power. How about this: …(Give yourself).. permission to let go of expectations and to use your own fine judgment. Release yourself from the expectations others have for you—and let go of the expectations you have for others.”
That’s what I’m giving myself this year. Permission to NOT have things be perfect this Christmas.
I am going to enjoy my family, the gift opening, the food, the fun, and I’m giving up my expectations for a PERFECT Christmas (the one in my dreams).
Anyone care to join me?
Well, I was late, because it is boxing day now. But my Christmas was wonderfully imperfect. Hope yours was too.