When I attended Trinity Western College in the late 70’s, I took a choir class whose purpose was to perform Handel’s Messiah at Christmas. Our choir director was very serious and taught us a lot about singing, especially singing the Messiah. Ever since then, I have appreciated and enjoyed listening to Handel’s Messiah.
Years later, in Kamloops, a community choir was formed to practice for several weeks and then perform Handel’s Messiah at the Sagebrush Theatre. My girlfriend and I went together. I am not known for my beautiful voice, but I can hold a tune and I do LOVE music. So I joined. It was a GREAT experience.
I actually don’t have a personal copy of this wonderful piece of music, except for Young Handel, which was an upbeat version made in the 70’s (I think) , featuring many of the top Christian performers at the time. It was great in its own way, but not timeless, like the original version.
Well, I thought you might all want to know about a link to Moody Radio’s Christmas Specials for this year. It includes a presentation of Messiah by the Moody student choir, which is quite lovely.
As well, there is a radio theatre called A Marriage Carol, which I listened to the other day. Try not to get teary through this one!! ;) Actually, there area number of radio productions to choose from, all related to Christmas somehow.
There is also a a Moody Radio favorite, “Treasures of the Snow,” -the story of two young children, a kitten, and an unforgettable experience.
And, of course, the Sounds of Christmas – musical gifts of the Christmas season.
Something for everyone!
Merry Christmas!
Hey sweet thing...Merry Christmas. I wanted to add that your background looks wonderful. So pretty in here! :)