Mar 7, 2010

The Tracks of my Tears

Twice this past week you would have seen them.
The last two performances I've watched have left me with red eyes and a runny nose.  In this past week I've watched a live theatre WCTC performance of The Miracle Worker, and then the International Film Festival's presentation of A Shine of Rainbows. Both left me emotionally drained, but so glad I was able to take them in.
For years our homeschool group has participated in the daytime presentations of the top notch theatrical presentations that come to town. These are a whole lot cheaper than the evening performances, and we are usually guaranteed excellent seats. This year was no exception. Although I no longer homeschool (but am still involved in the support group), my twenty something daughter and I attended , and scored seats in the third row, middle aisle. Wow. The set, the costumes, the acting were all first rate. I held it together till the very end and then the dam broke. Luckily, Jill had kleenex with her, which she happily passed to me and my girlfriend who were both wet-faced by the end. I was ‘this close’ to sobbing!  The story of Helen Keller is so moving. What determination was shown by both Helen and her amazing teacher Annie!
Yesterday afternoon, Dave and I attended the movie A Shine of Rainbows, a story set in Ireland of an orphan boy who longs for a real home.  A great story of love, acceptance, and heartbreak. I won’t tell you more. A great family movie.  I couldn’t believe all the sniffling going on the in the movie. I thought I could keep it together,  but by the end, I had to wipe my eyes, too.
So, now I’m emotionally drained today. And Dave and I are leaving for the next festival movie presentation, Hana’s Suitcase. I’m bringing my kleenex, just in case! 

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