Feb 18, 2010

The Main Thing

How would you finish the statement: ‘God’s main thing is that He wants me to be  ______ .’ ?   Well, according to Free Book* by Brian Tome,  God wants us to be, you guessed it,  free. Brian believes that this is what the Bible tells us over and over in so many ways. It is not a book of restrictions, but rather a book about love and freedom.  I have to agree that if we are not free, nothing else really matters. 
imageFreedom isn’t about ‘no boundaries’; in fact, all of us are slaves to something. It comes down to ‘who or what do you want to follow?’. 
Our society, Tome  believes, are slaves to fear and we can never be free if we are afraid to take risks. And it shows itself in various ways. Whether it’s  insuring ourselves and all we own up to our eyeballs, or hiding who we really are, or collecting stuff, or avoiding the next big pandemic, following rules that God never intended for us,  or even avoiding  any  risks or adventures--we are bombarded by the ‘stay safe’ creed. We’re even afraid to get to know people who are very different from us. And this brings bondage.
The cost of freedom ultimately was paid by Jesus, but we still have the day to day choices to make to help us stay free.  And we have been given tools to grow in freedom.
Free Book*  is practical, down to earth, and a breath of fresh air, so far removed from the usual fare. The author is funny and transparent and isn’t afraid to be a little offensive to those of us who are more religious than we care to admit. He made me think. 
I am a member of Thomas Nelson’s Book Sneeze program. Check it out at:  http://brb.thomasnelson.com/

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