Jan 17, 2010

On My Reading List

I don’t know about you, but whenever I hear about a good book out there, it gets added to my Amazon wish list. That way I won’t forget about it.
I’ve heard about 3 books recently on the Midday Connection podcast I listen to regularly. The authors were interviewed and that, of course, made me want to read the books even more.
So, somewhere down the road I may blog about:
Love and War  by John and Stasi Eldredge 
  The Me I Want to Be  by John Ortberg
mY generation by Josh Riebock
As you can see, I tend to gravitate towards non-fiction.  How about you?


  1. Did you buy the books? Are you loaning them out?? My wish list is getting longer and longer and my "finished stack" is not growing very fast.... I think I now have 8 books out of the library - a mix of fiction and non. I have no time for life, I need to get reading!!

  2. I tend to gravitate towards fiction but I'm not opposed to non-fiction if it's about a topic I'm interested in.

  3. Haven't bought the books..yet.. ;) Probably will buy them for the church library..soon.

  4. I definitely read more non-fiction than fiction. But on the other hand, I really delve into it more and allow my mind to embrace the ideas more in fiction. Good fiction that is.
    I just love it that you're the church librarian. You bookie.


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