Jan 2, 2012

Be It Resolved

402664_290988017620877_244753448911001_845545_1724132867_n I hear conversations flurrying all around me on making resolutions for the new year.  I find it fascinating, actually. There’s something about starting a new year with a clean slate.  The old is gone. The new has come. A chance to make a new list!

And the more blog posts I read about setting goals, the more I realize there are TOO MANY good goals out there. I nod my head to most of them. I could list them all, but then, that would be about 9,999 goals for 2012. And that would overwhelm me. So…

I have pondered this myself, but have decided to keep it simple this year. Here’s my motto for the year:


That’s right. I will carry on feeding the good stuff, and hopefully continue culling the stuff that pulls me down.

What that looks like, only time (and possibly this blog)  will tell.

Happy New Year, everyone, and may your hopes, dreams,  and wishes come TRUE!!


  1. Oh weird. That is so very similar to my own 2012 sentiments, which I posted about earlier today. Here's to more of the same!

  2. Danica, I hummed and hawed far too long about what to do, so I figured this would encompass all I had to say. Great minds think alike, what can I say? ;)

  3. I agree with Maureen. I love that saying too! It is a great direction for 2012.

  4. I never make resolutions. It's way too much pressure. Keeping calm and carrying on sounds like something I could do though. :)


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