Dec 7, 2011

Christmas Goodies

cookies Seems as the years go by, I bake fewer goodies at Christmas time. The kiddos aren’t around as much to eat it all, and I certainly don’t want to! And I guess it’s not as exciting anymore to spend a week baking cookies and squares for exchanges and giveaways. I used to bake oodles of goodies and create platefuls to give to my neighbours as Christmas presents. But I’ve even stopped doing that.

In the last few years, I’ve worked from home and maybe I don’t want to fill all my down time with baking.

But there are some goodies that we just don’t do without come Christmas time. How do I know?  Because I get requests for them.

The first is croquettes. Can’t have Christmas Eve without croquettes (let alone Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve!!)

The second is boterkoek (buttercake) with lots of almond flavouring. And real butter, but that goes with out saying.

I know I’ll be making those two things for sure, and a few more items. Seems Dave really fancies the Mocha truffles and believe it or not, Haystacks!  And I simply LOVE homemade caramel corn.

I’d better stop now.

How about you? What are Christmas staples at your house?  Or is Costco your go-to for Christmas treats? 


  1. I have cut back on my Christmas baking every year, but there are a few things that have to happen otherwise, it would hardly feel like Christmas! Julie and I always bake our mint surprise cookies (which reminds me that I have to book a time for her to come over so we can do that) and my corn flake toffee cookies are always a hit. For myself, chocolate crinkle cookies remind me of Christmas. Are you going to post your recipe for the Mocha Truffles? They sound intriguing!

  2. I used to bake loads of different goodies every year but this year I'm taking a different route. I told Paige and Gary that they can each request their two favorite treats and that's what I'll make.

    As for Christmas time staples, caramel corn is right up there. (We've already gone through 2 batches.) It also wouldn't be Christmas without sugar cookies and marble bark.

  3. Shortbread. Ginger sparklers. Chocolate-covered cherry cookies. There are other treats we like, and usually make, but these are the three I couldn't get away with not making.

  4. tourtiere. whipped shortbread. raspberry squares. Quick and easy - I'll see if I can get away with just these. Although, I may have to come up with some new wheat-less favourites this year.

  5. I forgot gingerbread men! How could I forget...


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