Nov 22, 2011

The Hallowed Shallows and the Poser

“We sometimes refuse to be shallow, not out of our deep devotion to God but because we wish to impress other people with the fact that we are not shallow. This is a sure sign of spiritual pride. We must be careful for this is how contempt of others is produced in our lives. And it causes us to be a walking rebuke to other people because they are more shallow than we are. Beware of posing as a profound person—God became a baby.

To be shallow is not sinful, nor is shallowness an indication that there is no depth to your life.  Even the ocean has a shore.”  Oswald Chambers

Oregon Coast 2010 090We tend to want to separate the spiritual from the non-spiritual, but I’m learning that everything is spiritual to God. Eating, drinking, exercising, playing, laughing at silly jokes, playing sports, walking, talking, baking, crafting, going window shopping.. this is living the commonsense side of life in a commonsense way, as Chambers puts it. He says we take ourselves too seriously, “so nauseatingly serious, so desperately interested in our own character and reputation, we refuse to behave like Christians in the shallow concerns of life.”

Lord, help me not to be a walking rebuke to other people.

“Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Cor. 10:31 


  1. Great quote, "Even the ocean has a shore".

  2. This gives me some food for thought. I have often mourned the fact that I feel shallow too much of the time. Maybe I shouldn't feel so bad about it after all...


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